Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

islamic relegious meang

There are two sides that we can use to understand the meaning of Islam, namely the language and the terminology. Both sides of this notion can be explained as follows.
In terms of language of Islam comes from the Arabic, from Salima said that means safe, prosperous, and peaceful. From Salima said further converted into a form which means surrendering aslama go in peace.
In line with the opinion above, other sources say that Islam comes from the Arabic language, drawn from Salima word meaning tranquil survived. From the origin of the word is formed aslama said that it has maintained in a state of tranquil and safe also means surrender, submission, submissive, and obedient. Kataaslama Islam that is the word that connotes all the meanings contained in the sense anyway. Therefore, those who surrendered, obedient, and faithful are called Muslims. People who have expressed himself thus to obey, surrender, and obedience to Allah. People will then be guaranteed his safety in the world and the hereafter.
From this linguistic sense, the word of Islam close to the meaning of the word religion means to master, subdue, obedient, debt, in return, and habits. Understanding of Islam so that, according to Maulana Muhammad Ali could dihami of the word of God contained in paragraph 202 letters AI-Baqarah, which means, O ye who believe, go ye into Islam as a whole, and do not obey the steps devil, Satan was the real enemy to you.
From the above, we arrive at a conclusion that the word Islam in terms of linguistic means obedient, submissive, obedient, and herserah ourselves to God in search of safety and kindness ¬ liagiaan life, both globally and in the hereafter. This is done on kcsadaran and will self, rather than coercion or pretend to, but as a call of nature themselves as being from the womb has been declared clalam obey and submit to God.
Thus, the word Islam is to ¬ describing human nature as being submissive and obedient to the "I'uhan". This situation led to the emergence of an understanding of people who do not obey and bow as a form of rejection of nature itself. Thus the Islamic understanding of linguistic terms along which we can understand from various sources suggested by experts.
The meaning of Islam in terms of the term will we find a different formula. Harun Nasution, for example, says that Islam as it is known (Islam as a religion), is a religion whose teachings inspired the people of God to mankind through Prophet Muhammad. as an Apostle. Islam essentially brings the teachings of which are not only familiar with one aspect, but on various aspects of human life.
Meanwhile, Maulana Muhammad Ali said that Islam is a religion of peace there ¬; and two main courses, namely the unity or oneness of God and the brotherhood of mankind into evidence, that Islamic religious right in tune with its name. Islam not only as a religion of all prophets said to God, as mentioned in some verses of the Koran holy book, but also on everything unconsciously fully subject to the laws of God, which we see in the universe.
Based on the description, the word of Islam by the term is referring to the religion that originates in the revelation that comes from Allah. not of man, nor from the Prophet Muhammad. The position of prophet in Islam is recognized as commissioned by God to spread the teachings of Islam to the mankind. In the process of spreading of Islam, the prophet engaged in giving information, explanations, descriptions, and examples of practice. But this involvement is still within the limits allowed God.
Thus, the term Islam is the name of a religion that comes from Allah. Name of Islam so it has a remarkable difference with the name of other religions. The word Islam has no relation with a particular person or group of humans or of a country. The word Islam is the name given by God himself.
As word of God;
"Surely religion in ridhoi God on his side is the religion of Islam" (Surah Ali Imron: 19)

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

Cantik dan kulit putih

Kenapa wanita-wanita cantik mendambakan kulit putih. Sebelum kita menuduh bagaimana televisi-televisi mengiklankan kulit-kulit putih, marilah kita coba menelaah asal mula dari kenapa kita begitu mendambakan kulit putih. Apakah ada sebab lain dari kita mendambakan kulit putih.
Secara alamiah kulit putih bisa menandakan kesehatan dan kebersihan. Kulit yang putih mulus merupakan tanda perawatan wajah. Wajah yang putih cenderung lebih bersih dari kulit yang kusam dan lebih cerah. Kulit putih juga bisa disebut kulit yang cerah. Tapi cerah bukan berarti putih.

Pada zaman dahulu kulit wanita yang putih dimiliki oleh orang yang kaya. Kenapa demikian, wanita dari keluarga ningrat cenderung berada di bawah atap, tidak pernah bekerja. Mereka yang tidak terbakar sinar matahari memiliki kulit yang tentu saja lebih putih dari mereka yang bekerja di bawah sinar matahari. Belum lagi perawatan mereka, makanan mereka menimbulkan ciri tertentu dalam diri mereka.
Wanita ningrat ini tentu lebih baik dinikahi daripada yang lain. Selain itu wanita kaya menjadi panutan dari wanita yang lain dalam hal kecantikan. Karena itu menyebarlah sistem kecantikan ini. Hal ini tidak berubah sekarang. Mereka yang kaya berada di dalam rumah dan terhindar panas dengan AC.
Kesehatan juga mempengaruhi hal ini. Aku pernah membaca, walau sumbernya kurang jelas, bahwa warna kulit berpengaruh pada kesehatan. Warna kulit yang lebih putih lebih menguntungkan bagi orang eropa. Sedangkan warna kulit yang lebih hitam bagi orang afrika lebih menguntungkan. Karena itu Afrika pada masa dahulu semakin hitam semakin cantik.
Namun tetap saja kita tidak boleh menafikan kondisi sosial mengenai kulit putih ini. Idealitas Asia adalah kulit putih, mungkin pemahaman ini menular pada kita. Belum lagi pengaruh yang dibawa kebudayaan barat. Kita sangat memuja kebudayaan barat dan sering meniru mereka yang notabene berkulit putih. Iklan-iklan dan media-media mungkin juga membawa pengaruh besar. Bagaimanapun kita sebaiknya tidak terjebak pada mitos cantik itu putih, kesehatan akan membawa kecantikan yang natural.

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